This command adjusts the in-game model scale. This will affect your performance the least out of these three console commands, but it will still have an effect. Just like the previous setting, this will adversly affect performance, on a lesser scale than the previous, however. This will adversly affect performance, be cautious when adjusting this. I see little use for this, unless you need to quit without saving.

I recommend 90-100 for maximum experience without a lot of model clipping or unintentional texture glitches. This setting can be found in the Graphics settings, but it only goes up to 75. Useful if you want a non-modded method of increasing realism. This option is listed on the wiki, and it is accepted as a command in-game, but it doesn't appear to do anything. Special thanks to Fulk for bringing this to my attention. This command resets when you open the inventory, map, or any similar menu interface. To disable the crosshair entirely, set the integer to 0. To disable HUD, set the integer to 0, to enable set it to 1. Set the integer to 0 to disable motion blur, set it to 1 for camera blur, and 2 for object blur. This option can be found in the Graphics settings. Set the integer to 0 to disable the crosshair when firing the bow. If you have a bow equipped when you change this setting, you have to re-equip it to see the crosshair. This makes the aiming significantly easier. This enables a crosshair when using a bow. Special thanks to Fulk for this information. Inside your game installation folder, you can find a file called "user.cfg." Adding a line similar to the one I used as an example will allow this.

You can also bind commands to hotkeys, in order to quickly enable or disable them. See the next command subsection to bind specific commands to a hotkey. This enables the use of special hotkeys specified within the "user.cfg" file in your game's installation folder. Special thanks to Xaleros for bringing this to my attention. This launch option enables the use of the money and item cheats. Press this, and input the command, -devmode. Within the properties menu, there is a "Launch options" button. To enable this option, right click on Kingdom Come: Deliverance in your Steam library, and go to properties. This isn't a console command, but a launch option. Some console commands will crash the game - we found this specifically when testing the "save" and "load" commands (and so haven't listed them above), and although it didn't crash when we tested any of the above themselves, it's probably worth saving your game before you start playing around with console commands just to be safe.Similar to console commands within the game, you can enable some settings before you launch the game.
#Kingdom come deliverance cheats console update
If any more are added, we'll update this page.
#Kingdom come deliverance cheats console how to
How to use console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and other things to know